Wednesday, January 22, 2014

What's For Lunch Wednesday

I've been taking stock of what went well in 2013 and what I would like to change in the last couple of weeks.  I've been taking my lunch to work for the past four years in order to save some money.  I used to go out and grab something just about every day.  Not only did this add up to some serious cash over the month, but it wasn't very healthy either.  In the summer of 2011, I lost about 25 pounds from walking on my treadmill and watching what I ate more carefully.  A big part of this was packing my lunch.

But I've grown sick of the same lunch lately: turkey on a sandwich round, an apple, some baked chips, and a granola bar.  Pretty dull.  I'm a person who looks forward to lunch.  It's my one consistent break during the day.  My class has the latest lunch period in the school so I'm usually  ravenous by 12:30. Lately I've been seeing all these great ideas for Bento box lunches on Pinterest.  It really appealed to me to have some more variety in my lunch. After searching for the right container on Amazon (the popular "Planet" lunch box is pretty hefty in price)I found just the ticket at- you guessed it - Aldi.

This handy little Sistema lunch cube was only $2.99.  What's even better?  It also has a matching mug for soups or oatmeal that was also $2.99.

How cute is that?  I love a matching pair of just about anything.  I didn't stop there, though.  They had one with everyone in my family's favorite color.  And since my son almost always takes his lunch, my daughter occasionally does, and my husband does every day just like me, I decided to get everyone a set.

Purple for me, blue for my husband, pink for sister, and green for brother
I explained to all of them how these work - smaller portions, greater variety.  They were all willing to give it a shot.  Here's a look at our lunches for tomorrow.
Turkey and cheese wrap, pretzels, cheese stick, granola bar, apple slices and vanilla yogurt

Snacks for him: sliced cucumbers, pretzels with Laughing Cow wedge, smoked almonds, and granola bar - He also took leftover chicken chili in his matching mug.

The other half of the turkey and cheese wrap, cucumber slices with some salt, honey roasted almonds, pretzels with Laughing Cow cheese wedge, and Simply Nature fruit rope
And brother (the pickiest eater)...

PBJ, pretzels, cheese stick, brownie, and applesauce (in separate container)
I'm happy with the way these turned out.  It's my intention to add a new regular post "What's for Lunch Wednesday" to the blog.